Los ingleses están evolucionando, o quizá sería más correcto hablar de involución, ya he leido en pocos meses dos noticias que me han dejado un poco acojonado, y me han dado que pensar.
Los ingleses siempre me han resultado simpáticos, por su forma de ver la vida, son a su modo como muy españoles, son juerguistas, salpican su rendimiento y su disciplina con toques de rebeldía, son amantes de la buena comida y el buen beber, cosmopolitas y gentes de mundo, sin duda herederos de los valores de su antiguo imperio lo que les hace afrontar los tiempos modernos con la visión limpia y aceptar la pluralidad étnica y la multiculturalidad como algo enriquecedor en su británica sociedad, pero últimamente están volviéndose un poco locos.
Ayer llegó a mi bandeja de entrada la siguiente noticia:
When Gary Crutchley started taking pictures of his children playing on an inflatable slide he thought they would be happy reminders of a family day out.
But the innocent snaps of seven-year-old Cory, and Miles, five, led to him being called a ‘pervert’.
The woman running the slide at Wolverhampton Show asked him what he was doing and other families waiting in the queue demanded that he stop.
Mr Crutchley, 39, who had taken pictures only of his own children, was so enraged that he found two policemen who confirmed he had done nothing wrong.
Yesterday he said: ‘What is the world coming to when anybody seen with a camera is assumed to be doing things that they should not?
‘This parental paranoia is getting completely out of hand. I was so shocked. One of the police officers told me that it was just the way society is these days. He agreed with me that it was madness.’
Father-of-three Mr Crutchley, a consultant for a rubber manufacturer from Walsall, West Midlands, was with his wife Tracey and their sons when the pleasant Sunday afternoon out turned sour.
Lee la noticia completa en DailyMail.co.uk
Lee la noticia en Parentdish.com
Que van a hacer si las propias autoridades les alientan, les animan a vigilar a sus propios ciudadanos:
Bitacoramovil.blogspot.com LIBERTAD RESTRINGIDA.
Ciudadanos que vigilan a ciudadanos, una peligrosa arma de doble filo.
Los ingleses siempre me han resultado simpáticos, por su forma de ver la vida, son a su modo como muy españoles, son juerguistas, salpican su rendimiento y su disciplina con toques de rebeldía, son amantes de la buena comida y el buen beber, cosmopolitas y gentes de mundo, sin duda herederos de los valores de su antiguo imperio lo que les hace afrontar los tiempos modernos con la visión limpia y aceptar la pluralidad étnica y la multiculturalidad como algo enriquecedor en su británica sociedad, pero últimamente están volviéndose un poco locos.
Ayer llegó a mi bandeja de entrada la siguiente noticia:
When Gary Crutchley started taking pictures of his children playing on an inflatable slide he thought they would be happy reminders of a family day out.
But the innocent snaps of seven-year-old Cory, and Miles, five, led to him being called a ‘pervert’.
The woman running the slide at Wolverhampton Show asked him what he was doing and other families waiting in the queue demanded that he stop.
Mr Crutchley, 39, who had taken pictures only of his own children, was so enraged that he found two policemen who confirmed he had done nothing wrong.
Yesterday he said: ‘What is the world coming to when anybody seen with a camera is assumed to be doing things that they should not?
‘This parental paranoia is getting completely out of hand. I was so shocked. One of the police officers told me that it was just the way society is these days. He agreed with me that it was madness.’
Father-of-three Mr Crutchley, a consultant for a rubber manufacturer from Walsall, West Midlands, was with his wife Tracey and their sons when the pleasant Sunday afternoon out turned sour.
Lee la noticia completa en DailyMail.co.uk
Lee la noticia en Parentdish.com
Que van a hacer si las propias autoridades les alientan, les animan a vigilar a sus propios ciudadanos:
Bitacoramovil.blogspot.com LIBERTAD RESTRINGIDA.
Ciudadanos que vigilan a ciudadanos, una peligrosa arma de doble filo.
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